Frequently Asked Questions
What type of business is Sandhills First Steps?
Sandhills First Steps operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. There is a board of directors that oversees all of the organization's activities.
Is a new childcare center in Burwell really necessary?
Yes! High quality, available childcare is critical infrastructure. It enables parents to work and contribute to the economic success of our community. Specifically in Burwell and Garfield County, a July 2020 study conducted by Communities for Kids (C4K), an initiative of the Nebraska Children and Families Foundation revealed that there are at least 39 children under age 6 not enrolled in a private licensed or public preschool, representing a gap in available childcare options.
How can I contribute?
We truly believe Sandhills First Steps is a community effort. As the new childcare center comes together, we'll need lawyers, landscapers, teachers, ranchers, stay-at-home parents, and more at the table! If you'd like to partner financially, you can drop off or mail a check, or donate physical goods. See the "Donate" page for more information.
Do you have a waiting list?
Yes! To be put on the waitlist check out the "rates" page for more information. You can also print the form to return back to Sandhills First Steps, or email the director at:
Are there opportunities for employment with Sandhills First Steps?
Yes! We are currently hiring for teacher assistants or a cook/floater! To submit your application online go to the "forms" page. We look forward to hearing from you!
When will Sandhills First Steps be open?
We opened our doors in the summer of 2024! We are excited to provide quality childcare in the sandhills area. If you would like a tour of the facility, please reach out to the director to get one scheduled!
Get in Touch
Sandhills First Steps
c/o Loup Basin Public Health Department
934 I St
Burwell, NE 68823